It is becoming increasingly clear that anti-gun advocates, media personalities, and politicians are completely immune to the laws they insist the rest of us must abide by, at least in the District of Columbia.
While average citizens and veterans who have served our nation with distinction see their lives ruined, prosecutors repeatedly turn a blind eye when the person breaking the law is espousing an anti-gun agenda.
It all started with David Gregory. Despite being warned by the Capitol Police that he could not possess a normal-capacity magazine inside the District of Columbia, he did so anyway.
Even though multiple innocent citizens have been prosecuted for similar ‘technical’ violations of the law, the DC Attorney General declined to prosecute Gregory despite the knowing and willful nature of the offense.
“Having carefully reviewed all of the facts and circumstances of this matter, as it does in every case involving firearms-related offenses or any other potential violation of D.C. law within our criminal jurisdiction, OAG has determined to exercise its prosecutorial discretion to decline to bring criminal charges against Mr. Gregory, who has no criminal record, or any other NBC employee based on the events associated with the December 23, 2012 broadcast.”
We next see the double standard when Senator Diane Feinstein appeared in the Capitol with a host of firearms, all of which are illegal to possess under DC’s draconian laws. However, Feinstein reportedly received ‘special permission’ to possess the firearms because they were technically under ‘police custody’.
However, when pro-gun Senators asked police for the same courtesy so that they could display firearms during a hearing, they were unable to be accommodated.
Following on the heels of this hypocrisy, we find the case of David Brock and his bodyguard Haydn Price-Morris. Brock is the founder of rabidly anti-gun media organization Media Matters.
Brock, who has publicly struggled with mental illness, reportedly used Media Matters funds to purchase firearms for Price-Morris who then carried them illegally into DC multiple times.
When the details of the multiple felonies being committed, apparently at Brock’s direction, became known, Price-Morris was discharged and the firearms were disposed of. But despite the extensive evidence collected by the Daily Caller, no prosecution is expected.
Is it any wonder that those who seek to restrict the rights of Americans see their actions as ‘reasonable’? After all, they can break them with impunity whenever they wish.
Indeed there is a double standard favoring those more equal than the unwashed masses. The first test would seem to be who you know and with whom to do smooze.
and with whom do you smooze.
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“All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell, Animal Farm
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They say all they want is “common sense” gun laws, but then the try to ram through a law that covers ALL semi-auto rifles, shotguns, pistols…and then try to attach the bill to something else, so no one will notice.
NO LAW should be passed like that.
But what if we DID have all the background checks & stuff they want? Would that solve the supposed ‘gun problem’?
In Illinois we already have all that…no gun show loopholes….and Chicago still has one of the highest murder rates.
But I would hazard a guess that the biggest percentage of those are gang/drug related.
Anyone remember prohibition?
Why did they legalize booze again after a 13 year ban on it? Was it NOW found to be healthy for people?
No they got rid of prohibition because of all the gangs, murders, corruption, & cost of imprisoning people for it.
Ok, now how do you suppose we could get rid of our gang, murder, corruption, & ever increasing prison costs?
Legalize all drugs, and get these freaks off the worst of them, so they aren’t out killing innocent people and each other in turf wars.
Use the revenue from them to try to rehabilitate users, like they have done with cigarettes & alcohol.
You want some “common sense” laws….then stop and think about it…
Even more interesting, Feinstein’s bill specifically exempts politicians and current and ex-military & Law Enforcement. Now, how egalitarian can you be???
you mean “ex-military” like the guy that shot and killed the reknowned Navy Seal sniper a few days ago ? or, ex-military like the guy that shot up the sikh temple outside Milwaukee last year ?
Given the fact that people in positions of power (politicians, CEO’s, etc.) are far more likely to exhibit symptoms of sociopathy than most other folks, you would think they should be on more of a “watch list”…………………….