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Category Archives: Colorado
Democrats says the darnedest things
The media loves to point out the stupid things that Republicans say … and, being politicians, they do say their share of stupid things. But if you depend on the mainstream media for your news, then you might think that … Continue reading
Manufacturers and dealers go all-in to protect gun rights
As the Democratic majority in Colorado moves forward with a bevy of draconian gun control proposals including a ban on normal capacity magazines, at least one Colorado company is taking a stand. Magpul Industries is a Colorado success story. The … Continue reading
Anti-Gun Wacko of The Week: Professor Jerry Peterson
Those of us who spend our time defending gun rights are used to dealing with the emotionally charged and twisted logic of those on the other side of the issue. But every once in a while, someone takes a position … Continue reading
Posted in Abuse of Power, Campus Carry, Colorado