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Category Archives: ‘Assault Weapons’
Obama Administration declares war on gun owners
Today on Meet the Press, President Obama told accused criminal David Gregory that, during his second term, he would put his “full weight” behind a gun control agenda. He went on to mock the suggestion put forward by the NRA, … Continue reading
Democrats really DO want to take away your guns!
Gun owners are a diverse group. In fact, I am fond of saying that “gun owners are as diverse as America.” Gun owners are both men and women … young and old … rich and poor. They come from all … Continue reading
Posted in 'Assault Weapons', Confiscation, Democrats, Registration
Bob Costas’ idea of an ‘apology’ is yet another attack on gun owners
Bob Costas is in trouble with football fans, a large majority of which are gun owners, and his insulting attempt at an apology is only adding fuel to the fire. But let’s start at the beginning. It all started with … Continue reading
A seemingly confused President Obama takes stand against gun owners during debate
“[F]rankly, in my home town of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence and they’re not using AK-47s.” – President Obama Oct 16, 2012 As co-founder and spokesperson for, I very much wanted to hear a question about guns … Continue reading
Hollywood’s evolving take on gun rights
“America is a country founded on guns. It’s in our DNA. It’s very strange but I feel better having a gun. I really do. I don’t feel safe, I don’t feel the house is completely safe, if I don’t have … Continue reading
Election 2012: The battle of the platforms
The presidential race is entering it’s final phase and the rhetoric is really heating up. With all of the political doublespeak from both candidates, it is often hard for people to decide which party would best represent their interests. But … Continue reading
What would ‘President Romney’ really mean for gun owners?
“Deadly assault weapons … are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.” – Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney As the Republican National Convention comes to a close, it … Continue reading
There are no ‘assault weapons’
Shortly following the Aurora tragedy, a non-gun-owner friend of mine, obviously upset, began to question me about why I supported ownership of ‘deadly assault weapons.’ Even as he continued his extended, impassioned diatribe, I could tell that he was yet … Continue reading
Obama partially backpedals on gun control speech while Senate Dems surge ahead
“Obama still wants Congress to reinstitute a federal ban on military-style assault weapons … but the president is not and has not been pushing for that ban … There are things that we can do short of legislation and short of … Continue reading
Why gun owners should fear a second term for President Obama
“As those of you who are familiar with my record know, I have consistently made gun control one of my top priorities.” – President Obama This is the first of a two-part article on the failings of both presidential candidates … Continue reading