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Category Archives: Law Enforcement Misconduct
The Dark Knight casts a long shadow over civil rights after Aurora
‘‘I think that the Second Amendment is crucially important to protect. When baseless breach of peace and interfering charges are brought against people that have a right to carry, it really threatens our constitutional right to bear arms.’’ – Sung Ho Hwang … Continue reading
New York City: Out-of-state guns are not the problem
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly both came out swinging in the sympathetic New York media yesterday after four police officers were injured by a violent ex-con in Brooklyn on Sunday. Quoting Kelly, the headline on … Continue reading
Madison alder declares constitutional freedoms to be ‘childish’
The ‘Madison 5’ incident continues to spread ripples across Wisconsin as the city and the police department struggle to defend their actions. Background Last Wednesday I wrote about the fact that the Wisconsin courts have not only held that a person may not be … Continue reading
The tyranny of the bigoted comes to Madison Wisconsin
“An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.” – Mahatma Gandhi A little over a year ago, I wrote about the disorderly conduct arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. At the time, … Continue reading
Milwaukee Police Chief Flynn is bordering on irresponsible
Yesterday, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B.Van Hollen issued a long-awaited advisory memorandum making it clear that merely openly carrying a firearm, absent additional facts and circumstances, is protected behavior under Article I, § 25 Of The Wisconsin Constitution and will never justify a … Continue reading