Why gun owners should fear a second term for President Obama

“As those of you who are familiar with my record know, I have consistently made gun control one of my top priorities.”

President Obama

This is the first of a two-part article on the failings of both presidential candidates where individual rights are concerned.

Let me start this topic by saying that I try very hard to not address politics as an ideologue.  It is important to address facts if one wishes to retain credibility, so I want to explain why I believe that a second Obama presidency would be dangerous for gun rights.

First, I should concede that President Obama has very wisely avoided directly attacking gun rights during his first term.  He even signed legislation allowing open and concealed carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges as well as allowing firearms on Amtrak trains.

But I do not for a minute believe that the president is a supporter of gun rights and his comments following the Aurora, Colorado tragedy support this position.  Under intense pressure from anti-gun supporters, President Obama appears ready to return to his Illinois roots where gun control is concerned.

Speaking yesterday to the National Urban League, President Obama made several comments that should deeply concern gun owners.  He began by using classic divide-and-conquer techniques with co-called “assault weapons” as the wedge issue.  He stated that “A lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.

The problem?  There is a third choice Mr. President and that is for these sporting rifles to be in the hands of law-abiding citizens.  I guess in his mind, we are already in the category of ‘criminals’.

He went on to complain bitterly that “opposition in Congress” had prevented the passage of more restrictive gun laws.  Clearly his first-term avoidance of the issue has been based on the realities of re-election and not on his claimed move to the center.  He seems to be more than willing to make his second term be true to his early years.

The Early Years
On that note, let’s look at those early years and what he had to say about citizens rights to keep and bear arms and defend their homes and families …

  • On December 13, 1999, while just starting his primary campaign against Bobby Rush, Obama spoke at a church in chicago where he laid out an agressive agenda against gun ownership including:
      • Increasing federal taxes on the sale of firearms and ammunition by 500%
      • Banning all gun stores within 5 miles of a school or a park (effectively banning them nationwide)
  • In February of 2001, he told the Chicago Defender that he supports a complete ban on so-called “assault weapons”, handgun registration and rationing of handgun purchases.
  • In December of 2003, while running for the US Senate, he answered a questionnaire from the Independent Voters of Illinois.  In his response to that questionnaire, he stated that “I would support banning the sale of ammunition for assault weapons and limiting the sale of ammunition for handguns.”  In the same questionnaire, he states his support for a complete ban on “assault weapons” and bemoans the fact that a complete ban on handguns is “not politically practicable.”
  • In 2003, a 52-year-old Wilmette Illinois resident, was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor violation of the local handgun ban after shooting a home invader. In March 2004, the Illinois Senate passed a bill in response to this case providing that self-defense requirements would be viewed to take precedence over local ordinances against handgun possession. Barack Obama was one of the 20 state senators voting against the measure.
  • On February 20, 2004, he told the Chicago Tribune that he supported federal legislation to overturn state concealed carry laws.
  • On July 29, 2005, while a Senator, he voted for a Kennedy sponsored amendment that would have banned all full metal jacket surplus ammo in 223 Remington, 308 Winchester, and 7.62×39.
  • In July 2007 at a campaign event in Chicago, candidate Obama promised a permanent reinstatement of the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.”
  • On November 20, 2007, he told the Chicago Tribune that he believed the absolute ban on handguns in DC was constitutional.

Members of the Administration
And that’s not all.  The real issue with a sitting president is those he appoints to positions of power in his administration.

  • On January 19, 2009 Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder spoke at his confirmation hearing about gun controls he felt would be acceptable in a post-Heller America and mentioned the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” as one such control.
  • On February 25, 2009, then-seated Attorney General Holder stated that the Obama Administration would seek to reinstate the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.”
  • On March 25, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out in support of a renewal of the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban”.
  • And most recently, the investigation continues into the ATF’s Fast & Furious scandal with Attorney General Holder looking more and more culpable in a scheme which may have been aimed at providing support for gun control efforts rather than actually interdicting illegal purchases.

Appointment of Judges
But the real crux of my argument involves the ability to appoint judges.  This is a numbers game and the numbers are truly frightening.  During his first term alone President Obama has appointed two Supreme Court justices, 35 Court of Appeals judges, and 139 district court judges.

How does this affect gun rights?

DC v. Heller was only decided by a 5-4 majority.  Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito were the majority.

McDonald v. Chicago was only decided by a 5-4 majority.  The same 5 conservative justices were the majority.  Revealingly, President Obama’s first nominee to the Supreme Court, Justice Sotomayor joined the dissent characterizing the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense as “not fundamental”.

And here are some more numbers that should worry gun owners:  Justice Scalia is 76 this year.  Justice Kennedy is 75.  If either of those justices decides to step down or suffers a health problem during the next four years then you can rest assured that any nominee President Obama puts forward will not vote the right way on the next gun rights case, many of which are already working their way up through the courts of appeal.

On the other side of the coin, Justice Ginsburg is 79 this year and Justice Breyer is 73.  If either of these justices were to retire from the court, there would be an opportunity to shore up the slim majority that we currently hold in the Supreme Court.

Executive Orders & Administrative Rulemaking
I could go on and speak about the ability of the President to use executive orders and administrative rulemaking, powers that he has been more than willing to use during his first term.  On October 24, 2011, he was addressing a Nevada crowd about Congress’ unwillingness to go along with certain of his proposals.  He said “We can’t wait for an increasingly dysfunctional Congress to do its job. Where they won’t act, I will … I’ve told my administration to keep looking every single day for actions we can take without Congress … and we’re going to be announcing these executive actions on a regular basis.

A good example of how this might play out in the gun rights arena can already be seen in the efforts of the BATFE to ban importation of certain firearms during his first term.

In March of 2010, the BATFE banned the re-importation of American-made M1 Garands and M1 Carbines which the South Korean government wished to sell back into the U.S. market.  In justifying the ban, the Obama Administration stated that they “feared the guns could fall into the wrong hands.”

In the Fall of 2011, the BATFE tried to ban the importation of Russian made Saiga shotguns, claiming that they did not have a “sporting purpose” but was thwarted when Congress added an amendment to one of the 2012 transportation appropriations bills preventing them from going forward with the ban.

Remember … When President Obama’s campaign says that he does not want to ban guns, these examples say otherwise.  And I suspect that they are minor compared to what we would see during a second term when there is no re-election pressure.

I will leave you with the words that President Obama spoke to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in March of this year when he thought his mike was turned off, “This is my last election and after my last election I have more flexibility.

He was speaking about missile defense but make no mistake about it, that flexibility extends to all elements of his agenda.  Gun owners should be very concerned that they will be in the crosshairs in a second Obama administration.

Posted in 'Assault Weapons', Gun Control, National Politics, President Obama, Presidential Politics | 6 Comments

Judge Legg Lifts Stay in Woollard Case

Judge Benson Everett Legg

It is self-evident, as the Fourth Circuit has noted, that “[s]urely, upholding constitutional rights serves the public interest.”

– Judge Legg

I am currently sitting in a hotel room after spending an exhausting day taking day one of the Virginia Bar Exam.

I had planned to do a few more practice problems  tonight and get to bed early but I am very happy to announce that I had to write this article first.

Judge Legg has issued an order lifting his temporary stay of the ruling in Woollard v. Sheridan effective 14 days from today!

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In a memorandum released along with the order, he lays out his analysis.

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I will do a more detailed review of the impact of this order after I have put the second day of the Bar Exam behind me but I want to be one of the first ones to say …

Congratulations Maryland!  Welcome to the new normal!

NOTE:  For more information on what this means for Maryland permit applicants, see my earlier articles on the topic.

Posted in Abuse of Discretion, Maryland, Permit Requirements | 1 Comment

VCDL’s Roanoke County picnic was a rousing success

VCDL President Philip Van Cleave speaks to Bryce Williams

On Saturday last, VCDL held a picnic in Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.  The event, billed as the “Oh yes we can!” picnic garnered quite a bit of media attention.

The picnic, which was attended by over 150 people despite the at-times torrential rain, was held to protest a badly worded Roanoke County ordinance concerning guns in parks.

Ed Levine & Brian Reynolds

The ordinance which I wrote about when it was first brought to my attention by well known gun rights activists Ed Levine and Brian Reynolds is the most convoluted ordinance I have ever read, including I might add those we studied as examples of bad drafting in my Legislation Drafting course in law school.

In purporting to comply with the state preemption statute which strips localities of the power to regulate the possession and transportation of firearms, the ordinance says (emphasis added by me to illustrate how misleading the ordinance is):

 Sec. 15-8. – Prohibited uses of parks.

(6)  … No person shall within a park use, carry or possess firearms, ammunition or combinations thereof, as expressly prohibited by statute, or air rifles, spring guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially dangerous to wildlife and to human safety … The director may permit authorization for the use of a firearm or other potentially dangerous instrument, to be used in a park for a special event or county managed activity.

Despite the fact that even licensed attorneys find the wording strained beyond belief, Roanoke County Attorney Paul Mahoney reportedly told The Roanoke Times that “It’s like some folks can’t take yes for an answer.”  Well Paul … looking at the ordinance above, I think what you meant to say was “It’s like some people can’t take ‘no, absolutely not, as expressly prohibited by statute’ for an answer.

Let’s just get this out on the table.  J’accuse!  I personally believe that the ordinance was crafted in such a way in order to chill the rights of gun owners by causing the average layman to believe that carry is prohibited in parks.  And based upon the feedback and questions we have received from citizens, it seems to be working.

VCDL will continue pursuing the issue as calls for a legal challenge mount but the picnic was a great start.  Media coverage by WDBJ 7 made sure that many southwestern Virginia citizens who didn’t get to attend learned that parks are open for gun owners.

Reporter Bryce Williams wanted to go live from the picnic but was prevented by the inclement weather so he had to rush back to the studio to edit his footage for the 6:00 news and unfortunately for fans could not stay to have a hamburger with the crowd.

Other Roanoke media stars were also in attendance.  Roanoke Times blogger Dan Casey, known for being a strident anti-gun voice was invited and attended with his son Zach.  He has since written his own article on the picnic.

While we all disagree with Dan on this point of public policy, we were glad he came out and had some food with us.  As VCDL board member and Roanoke Valley resident Al Steed, Jr. noted, Dan does good work for many people in need and we should remember and appreciate that even as we disagree about gun rights.

In closing I want to say that It was great to see so many old friends and to meet new members.

Posted in Abuse of Discretion, Abuse of Power, Dillon Rule, Local Ordinances, Parks, Public Parks, Slideshow, Virginia | 14 Comments

LexisNexis-owned Lawyers.com reports on open carry

VCDL President Philip VanCleave, VCDL Board Member Dennis O’Connor, and OpenCarry.org’s John Pierce open carry in Alexandria, VA

For those who are unfamiliar with the site, Lawyers.com is owned by legal services powerhouse LexisNexis.

They bill themselves as “the biggest law-oriented website on the American internet [and are focused on providing] interesting, objective, and helpful legal information to people all over the country.”

Their supervising producer contacted me early in June seeking help in putting together a story on open carry that would fit their model of short “web-only … legal-related news stories that explain the law [simply] to three-million unique visitors to Lawyers.com per month.”

After they put together a reporter and film crew, I agreed to meet them in Old Town Alexandria the weekend before Independence Day.  Virginia Citizens Defense League President Philip VanCleave and VCDL Board Member Dennis O’Connor both graciously agreed to drive up from the Richmond area to join in the shoot.

Interestingly enough, that was the weekend that the “derecho” storm struck the Mid-Atlantic region leaving millions without power.  I find it very ironic that literally as the reporter was asking the ubiquitous question about why, in a modern world, citizens still needed the right to bear arms, cell phones were not working and the Virginia 911 system was down and would remain so for another 72 hours!

We filmed all morning and into the afternoon before we were done with Old Town Alexandria.  But that was not all.  Later the next week, they drove down to my home in Bristol Virginia to film the inside shots you see in the video.  While there, I took them to Shooters Edge in Piney Flats Tennessee where they marveled at the state-of-the-art facility and filmed video of me shooting.  On that note, I would like to give a big thanks to Director of Training Mike Lewis, Range Safety Officer Javier Mata, and all the staff for going out of their way to make the shoot a rousing success.

The results of over 24 hours of combined travel and 10 hours of video?  The 2 minute 55 second video below.  We knew going in that Lawyers.com wanted a succinct summary and I think the reporter did a great job considering how dense the material is where gun laws are concerned.

However, there are a couple of quick data points I wanted to add or correct before you watch the video.

1)  While it is true that there are 28 “pure” open carry states where open carry is available without any government permission whatsoever, that is only part of the story.

2)  Open carry is available in one form or another in a whopping 43 states.

3)  There are 14 states where the legislature has made the decision that permit holders may carry openly or concealed as they see fit and this number will go up to 15 on November 1, 2012 when Oklahoma joins the ranks of licensed open carry states.

4)  The reporter mistakenly says in the video that a background check is required to open carry in the 28 “pure” open carry states.  That is wrong and I believe she simply got lost in her notes between the “pure” open carry states and the licensed open carry states.

It looks like they plan on releasing a Part II to the series featuring the Brady Campaign championing the anti-Second Amendment position.  When that occurs, I will be sure to offer my commentary.

Posted in Brady Campaign, Media Views on The Second Amendment, Open Carry, Popular Culture, Virginia | 7 Comments

Michigan court rules in favor of teen who open carried rifle

In this picture, an Israeli soldier openly carries her rifle as she enjoys the beach

Sean M. Combs is only 18 but he already knows more about civil rights and Michigan gun laws than the officers who arrested him in April for carrying an antique M1 Garand rifle slung over his shoulder.

The two officers, Rebekah Springer and Gina Potts, saw Combs carrying the rifle in Troy Michigan and demanded his ID.  When he refused, noting that he was not violating any laws, he was arrested and charged with Brandishing, Disturbing the Peace, and Obstructing an Officer.

I have written before about the misuse of these “catch-all” charges to chill the rights of citizens and this case appears no different.

The officers based the Disturbing the Peace and Obstructing an Officer charges on the fact that Combs “looked younger than 18” and his refusal to produce ID “attracted a crowd.”  They based the Brandishing charge on the fact that Combs, while having the rifle properly slung and never pointing it, seemed “ostentatious.”

I have to wonder if it wasn’t the officer’s behavior that drew the crowd.  The facts show that Combs and his girlfriend had walked around the business district for some time without drawing a crowd before officers stopped him.  And while we are wondering, do you suppose they think that “ostentatious” means “not doing what I tell him to do?”

In any case, it no longer matters because the seven person jury slapped the wrist of law enforcement today by finding him not guilty of all charges.   They stated that Combs had broken no law and they were simply upholding the law by doing so.  I am proud of the jury for doing the right thing in this case.

Perhaps Michigan law enforcement needs to retrain officers on the legality of long-gun open carry as well as when they can and cannot demand ID from a citizen absent probable cause that a crime is being committed.

Congratulations to Sean for winning his court case and a big “Thank You!” for being willing to stand up for the rights of all Michigan residents.  I wish him all the best as he now turns to his next challenge; starting college next month.

UPDATE:  I have been asked about the relevance of the picture accompanying this article.  It has nothing to do with the Combs case.  I just really like the picture!

Posted in Abuse of Power, Long Guns, Michigan, Open Carry | 13 Comments

Best Job He Ever Had

I was reading the New York Times account of a TSA procedure that has been around since at least 2011 in which agents will occasionally yell “Freeze” and all passengers within earshot are to remain where they are without moving until “freed.”  This ludicrous and controversial procedure has generated new media coverage recently along with the drink “testing” procedure I mentioned in my last cartoon.

All of this makes me wonder exactly how the TSA selects the ‘crack’ agents to which we entrust our civil liberties.  I have to imagine it is something like this …

Posted in Abuse of Power, Political Cartoons, Travel, TSA | 4 Comments

Just Another Day in America

After yesterday’s news report that the TSA is now randomly “testing” the drinks travelers purchase inside the terminal, I thought another cartoon was in order.

Oh how far we have fallen …

Posted in Fourth Amendment, Political Cartoons, Travel, TSA | 1 Comment

Betrayed Back Home

Per a request made over at OpenCarry.org, here is a cartoon reflecting how hypocritical it is for businesses to ban law-abiding firearms while benefiting from the freedoms of our great nation.

Posted in Political Cartoons | Leave a comment

Bad Day at The Office

As the bureaucracy necessary to support the massive new health care regime gears up to swallow a large portion of the US gross domestic product, it is reported that the 2,700+ page bill is on track to generate tens of thousands of pages of administrative regulations.

Posted in Political Cartoons | 1 Comment

Young John Roberts

I have done a few political cartoons in the past but this is the first one I have done since starting this site.  I hope you enjoy it!

Posted in Political Cartoons | 2 Comments